“ Every day, thousands of amazing stories are published on Medium.” — elizabeth tobey
Yet every day I browse through my feed I never see more than 5 or 6 or 7 or maybe 8 new stories. Out of the thousands of amazing stories “published every day!” Everything else in my feed are stories that were in my feed the day before, or the day before that, or the day before that! (Or else the feed starts repeating itself after 20 stories.)
If there are thousands of amazing stories published on Medium every day why do we never see more than a microscopic, miniscule, teeny tiny handful of them? And why are we shown the same old stories over and over and over?
And “Collections?” When I go through the “Collections” they turn out to be mostly just a duplication of what appears in my feed. Yes, there is a teeny, tiny handful of stories that are not in the feed. But the five generic, basic “collections” exclude scores of genres that don’t fit into those specific “collections.” The “collections” add very, very, very little to what is in the feed.
And when the hell am I going to ever see any fiction in the collections? Why is Medium so adamantly and vehemently opposed to fiction?
I’ve been saying it for months but my words have fallen on deaf ears. What Medium so desperately needs is ‘discoverability!’ We desperately need a ‘New’ feed; a feed that shows posts as they are being posted. This feed would allow US to pick and choose what we like rather than having the Medium Staff or the people we follow pick what we see.
I would like to come into Medium and click on the “New” feed and see what is new that has recently been posted on Medium since I last came in. I don’t want to come into Medium and see a feed that is almost identical to the feed that I browsed through 18 hours before (with only a tiny handful of new articles). I want to see postings that are not chosen for me by the Medium Curating Staff (with their very limited focus) or by those who I follow but don’t care for what they recommend.
Medium seems so very, very hesitant to grant us this. Medium seems so intent on controlling what we see and read. And they seem intent on hiding everything else from us — or at least making it difficult and tedious to explore and discover.
When the hell is this ever going to change? The “collections” was a half-ass good idea but it didn’t do much for ‘discoverability.’ They merely show us what the Medium Curating Staff wants us to see. When are you going to give us the power to discover on our own? (Beyond tedious tag searches.) We need a real-time “New” feed! Why is Medium so opposed to this? Why?
(And furthermore, why did Medium only allow me one tag for this response?)