Yes, I feel that wavelength. We also share the fact that we both had very complicated mothers. (As well as many other things.) In my writings over the years I have always hidden that maternal influence that screwed me up so much but reading your writings has gotten me to loosen up a little bit and start writing about it. You have been a crowbar that has loosened the lid to the Pandora’s box of my fucked up subconscious. You’ve been like a great psychiatrist but I can’t pay you until you get into the Partner Program. LOL.
Seriously, do we even need psychiatrists? Isn’t every single person we ever meet a mirror that shows us the bullshit we are stuck in? But we don’t want to pay the psychiatrist’s bill. But, seriously, the bill is simply paid through listening. All we have to do is listen and respond. Listen and respond. Respond and then listen. It is so simple and affordable. There really is no need for a middle-man. Once we realize this, psychiatrists will be in serious trouble. How will they pay for that new yacht?
I jest, of course. It should be all of us on that yacht. Let’s throw Freud and Jung overboard and instead just listen to our hearts. To do that we must get out of our noggins. There is no better navigator than our hearts.