White Feather
2 min readDec 20, 2018


Writing Disease

I’ve written numerous times that writing for me is like a disease. Or a chronic addiction. I simply cannot NOT write. I have a sneaking suspicion that one day I will finally break free of this addiction and go silent. It will probably be around the same time that I finally find true happiness and peace and enlightenment. I still have a long way to go so I’ll probably still be writing for years to come.

I am also a meanderer. I try really, really hard not to get pigeon-holed into just one particular niche. How can my writing grow if it is pigeon-holed? I suck at poetry but I’ll write a poem every now and again just to keep things shaken up in the old noggin. My favorite writing is fiction but I also can’t help but write first person accounts as well as some philosophical stuff. The philosophy stuff doesn’t do very well so I try to minimize that. Besides, everything that can be said about that has already been said. The challenge for me is to subtly sneak in tiny doses of philosophy into a piece of fiction. That’s not easy but it’s fun.

I once tried to stop writing personal accounts but I found that I just couldn’t do it. I guess I just have too much stuff to release.

Oddly, some of my most successful pieces here on Medium have been articles about food. I get bored with that, though. I love food and cooking and eating but if I had to write about it all the time I would be compelled to go on a hunger strike.

Then there’s humor. I love writing humor. I seriously crack myself up and that is why I write it. I need to crack up on a daily basis in order to maintain my sanity. Some day I hope to crack other people up, too. But what makes me laugh is rarely what makes others laugh. I’ve had a long contentious relationship with my inner comedian. He’s gotten me in trouble too many times and has not been good for my ‘career.’ I’ve let him out of his cage for the holydays but if he can’t get his act together he’s going back in the cage in January.

Why am I here on Medium? Mostly it’s because I get to read all my favorite authors that I follow (like Ann Litts ). Seriously, that is what keeps me here. But also here I can write whatever the hell I want to write about and I can do it whenever I want to and how often I want to. It’s the best place I’ve found to feed my addiction. I can’t remember when I last went an entire day without a Medium fix — either reading or writing. As long as reading and writing remain legal and I still haven’t attained nirvana I will continue to hang out here and get high on words.



White Feather
White Feather

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