“…all we have to do is knock.”
Wow, now that is pure genius. Why did I not think of that? I’ve always done everything the hard way. Thanks for that.
Back in the 1970s I stood in line at the theater to watch the very first Star Wars movie. I liked it but not enough to ever watch another one. What turned me off was not the movie itself so much as how people turned it into a religion.
My daughter once forced me to watch a Harry Potter movie. I don’t remember which one it was but I had no desire to see any of the others. I also have an aversion to anything Tolkien. I somehow survived watching one episode of Star Trek on TV back in the Sixties but have kept my distance ever since.
My strongest aversion, though, is to comic book action heroes. And comic books.
As you can see, I am not normal. I am a sick puppy. I may be hopeless.
Curiously, I have watched and enjoyed many episodes of Big Bang Theory even though I cannot relate to those guys in any way, shape or form. I should probably work on being more open about such things. If I can enjoy and laugh at four grown men thumbing through comic books at a comic book store then maybe that is a crack in my anti-comics and anti-sci-fi shell. Maybe there is hope for me. Maybe someday I will step through that crack and join the rest of humankind. Maybe…