Wow. I sure felt that! Thank you.
I’ve mentioned a few times how addicted I am to your fictional Dark Sides of the Truth series. And a big reason for that is because I can FEEL all the characters. They have become like family. I need to know what they’re up to. Every day.
Not only do I feel the characters in your fiction but when you write your personal non-fiction I can definitely feel YOU. Even though you may not have always realized it you are actually a master at writing with feeling. In both fiction and non-fiction.
I normally don’t care to read articles about writing but I always read yours. You come from a different place. So many writers of these articles come from a stance of self-proclaimed expertise spouting out expert mental writing hacks that must be followed. Those articles are totally mental-based and not heart-based. No feeling or emotion.
Sure, there are some readers who simply don’t want to feel anything. They just want some mental food to chew over in their noggins. But even if they are not consciously aware of it their hearts are still drawn to feeling-based information. Even if people live exclusively in their noggins their hearts are still functioning and still receive heart-based information. If and when they become aware of their brain/heart connection and begin working through that connection that heart-based information will still be there and the connection made between hearts will also still be there.
Maya Angelou sure was fantastic. She wrote with her mind and her heart and touched a lot of people. You may not have touched as many people (yet) but your awareness of that mind/heart connection is what will get you there.
Thanks again.