White feather symbolism has a long, long, long history among people all over the world as being the symbol of peace, pacifism, spiritual unity and one-ness, and spiritual enlightenment. A white feather is the official symbol of the White Feather Foundation, a non-profit organization founded by Julian Lennon (John Lennon’s son) dedicated to world peace and environmental healing. To most Native Americans, a white feather is the most sacred of all feathers. To the ancient Egyptians a white ibis feather was the official symbol of Thoth-Hermes who taught spiritual peace and enlightenment. A white feather is the official symbol of the Asamee soul-group, a group of humans devoted to world peace and spiritual enlightenment. White feathers have always symbolized peace and spiritual enlightenment.
It is only the Order of the White Feather in England that you speak of that has grossly perverted the prevailing symbolism of a white feather to mean cowardice instead of peace and non-violence. The Order took a symbol of peace and harmony and non-violence and used it to shame people who did not submit to the dictates of those in power who perpetuate constant war. It takes a great deal of bravery to be a pacifist in this war-loving world (believe me, I know) and this group in England decided to turn a symbol of this bravery into a symbol of cowardice thus helping to perpetuate the evil of war.
What this group of people say a white feather symbolizes is the exact opposite of what it truly symbolizes and what it has symbolized to so many different people throughout history. White feathers do not symbolize cowardice! They symbolize the truest form of bravery there is; peace, love and non-violence. They symbolize the kind of bravery of non-violent protesters who are beaten by authority figures and refuse to fight back. They symbolize the bravery it takes to overcome our basest reactions and see and feel the one-ness that connects us all. They symbolize the brave quest for spiritual enlightenment.