While I agree with your essay for the most part, Mrs. Clinton, your essay fails on some levels. You failed to address the problem at the root of the ISIS problem. You ignored it completely. I suspect you ignored it because throughout your career you have always supported that problem that is at the root of the ISIS problem.
I am, of course, talking about the military-industrial complex that runs the governments of America and Israel. As long as the military-industrial complex continues to have power over our governments then there will ALWAYS be war! Always!
Yes, we need to defeat ISIS and this is truly sad given that ISIS was created by, trained by, and financed by the governments of America and Israel. They were created with the purpose of deposing Assad and laying waste to Syria for failing to obey the dictates of Western banks and corporations (of which you are a huge supporter). With Syria reduced to rubble then Dick Cheney would be free to have Halliburton frack for oil there and Saudi Arabia would be free to hire Halliburton to build their much-desired oil pipeline across Syria (which Assad had objections to).
The American government works for banks and corporations (not the people of America) and they will gladly create a terrorist organization in order to wreak havoc on those countries that do not obey the dictates of those banks and corporations. We have followed the same modus operandi in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, and now Syria. We keep creating terrorist organizations so that we always have someone to fight. Perpetual war is very, very lucrative to the military-industrial complex. If we are ever going to stop war, we simply MUST stop the military-industrial complex.
I feel you are aware of this, Mrs. Clinton, since you’ve been in the thick of it for so long. Throughout your career you have always supported war over peace. The Wall Street Banks and military-industrial complex corporations that have profited so handsomely from this perpetual war are the very banks and corporations that are bankrolling your presidential campaign. They own you and you know it. This is why you vehemently refuse to acknowledge the root of the problem and why you use nice-sounding rhetoric to deflect attention away from it. It is obvious that if you become president war will only continue and your Wall Street bosses will only get richer.
This is why I could never, ever, ever vote for you.
But meanwhile, thanks for a moving essay that people need to hear. Donald Trump’s Nazi rhetoric is a disgusting stain on the history of America. Perhaps he is here to wake us all up — to remind us how the German people were fooled by Hitler just as Trump is now fooling a lot of Americans. We must open our eyes.