When Saudi Arabia has a democratically elected female president we will be able to say that there has been truly significant change. When monarchy — an extremely male institution despite the presence of queens — no longer exists on this planet we will know that there has finally been significant change.
When war — an extremely male institution — no longer exists on this planet then we will know there has finally been significant movement towards balance of male and female energy.
When we finally stop destroying the planet because of men’s competitive egoic need to out-compete other men in the business world by making more money than them then we will see significant change. Competition and greed are extremely male institutions. The environment suffers the collateral damage of that male competition and greed.
When our education system — structured to empower and maintain all of our male institutions — finally start teaching our children how to find balance within themselves instead of training them to become cogs in the male institutions then we will realize significant change.
When our health systems — structured to feed the egoic male greed of business — change their focus away from profit and towards the actual health of people then we will be seeing real change.
The male institutions that dominate all things on this planet are very, very deeply entrenched and are being fed and empowered by almost all of our so-called leaders and by our media (another male institution). The male energy that dominates almost every facet of life today will not give up without a fight. Sensing the move towards balance, that male energy is literally fighting for its life.
While female energy is growing, change will not happen until MEN release their utter devotion to male energy and look within themselves to find balance and the female energies of compassion, cooperation, intuition, peace and unconditional love within themselves. Sadly, I don’t think that can happen in 10–50 years but I do think we can make significant progress in that direction.
(And it is not going to happen simply by electing Hillary Clinton as president. Mrs. Clinton is bought and paid for by Wall Street, Big Pharma, Big Banks, and Monsanto — all staunchly male institutions. She is also far too trigger-happy when it comes to war — the most male of all institutions. Hillary represents and is an ardent supporter of the male energy status quo. Her election would only represent a hollow symbol of change while defending the old male energies. Yes, we desperately need a female president but she is by far the very worst female candidate.)
I happen to be very optimistic about the energy changes over the next 10–50 years and I am positive we will see what appears as significant change. But at the end of those 50 years I feel we will still have a long way to go before humankind and individual humans attain true balance. We will look back to current times and see how far we’ve come and this will help fuel us further towards balance (just as today we can look back 50 years to see how far we’ve come).
By the way, the way I see it, change is the slowest at times near balance and it is the fastest and most exponential at times leading into and times leading out of the extremes on either side of a balanced state. This, I think, bodes extremely well for the next 10–50 years.