When did you last cry?
It’s important to laugh
It’s important to cry
It’s important to feel
to soar through the sky
To be heavy as a feather
or light as a boulder
To blanket in the heat
or strip when it is colder
To greet words with a smile
even if we don’t agree
To greet silence with silence
Allowing it to be
There is always more
to what we see and hear
There is always some love
beneath all the fear
Life can be so cruel
but only if we fight
It is when we surrender
that we finally see the light
A child does not judge
A child does not hate
A child has curiosity
and finds it hard to wait
It wants to see and feel
the world that it is in
It also wants to experience
that treasure that is within
Growing up we lose it
We lose our zest for life
We trade away adventure
for struggle and strife
When did you last giggle?
When did you last cry?
When did you last let it be
without asking why?
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