What to Do With My Dead Body?

It is quite the conundrum

5 min readMar 23, 2018


It is a weird thing to say but never in my long life have I ever attended a funeral. Perhaps it was by fortuitous circumstances that I was never able to attend one. I have seen funerals depicted in movies and on TV and they just seem so disgusting to me. Why would anyone want such a morose event to occur in response to their kicking of the old bucket? Is it by decree of ego?

But once the body has ceased functioning the ego is gone along with it. Once the bucket has been kicked there is no longer any ego to be assuaged. Funerals are a celebration of an ego that no longer exists.

So I have put it in my will that there is not to be any funeral when I kick the bucket. No funeral, no wake, no memorial, no party, and no obituary. An obituary, after all, is an invasion of one’s privacy, right? And I’m a firm believer in our God-given right to privacy. We should be able to die in private.

That leaves us with the problem of what to do with our discarded bodies. Our bodies are NOT who we are. They are merely vehicles we temporarily inhabit in order to navigate this seemingly physical reality. When we exit the body that body should return to the Earth from which it came. That is what I firmly believe anyway.

But so many humans mistake our bodies and brains for who we are. So they embalm the body in order to preserve it then stick it in a box to prevent it from returning quickly to the Earth, and then they stick the box in the ground and place a gravestone above the box to commemorate and memorialize the dead body. This is so creepy and unnatural!

If you’re going to memorialize me, memorialize my body of work; the hundreds of thousands if not millions of words that I wrote during the time that I inhabited a body. Don’t memorialize the dead body. Don’t commemorate my dead body with a polished piece of granite marking where that dead body is being held captive from the elements.

Cemeteries creep me out.

In deciding what I want done with the body/vehicle I discard when I kick the bucket my main concern has been that the body returns as quickly as possible to the earth and that there is no physical evidence left of where that body was discarded.

