“We need a plan, not love. Yes the plan should be steeped in right-brain traits that include unconditional love, but we still need a plan. This writing is that plan. Rather than criticise individual elements of the plan….” — Michael Haupt
We need a plan AND unconditional love. One will not work without the other. Unlike love, unconditional love has nothing whatsoever to do with the brain. It is not a right-brain trait! It is not something that originates from within us. It is something that passes through us. It’s a matter of silencing the incessant thoughts being generated constantly by the brain so that we can become an empty vessel through which unconditional love can pass through us out into the world.
This may sound like woo-woo metaphysical hokum to you since it can’t be quantified and put into an algorithm but given your experiences in Thailand I thought you would have at least an inkling of understanding about this. I repeat: Unconditional love has nothing to do with the brain!
Any and every ‘plan’ gets better and better when the individual elements of the plan get critiqued. I’m not writing you off as a lunatic. Not at all. I think you have some truly worthwhile ideas and I look forward to reading more of your postcards. But as I continue to read your plan alarm bells keep going off in my noggin. I see that you are overlooking some important perspectives and I respond in hopes of bringing these to light. I’m not trying to change your plan. I am merely sharing some perspectives that you may or may not take into consideration. I respond in love; both the mental kind and the unconditional kind. (And I charge you no fee.)
We have serious systemic issues in the world right now. I have worked with countless change agents who also believe that “all we need is love.” They have focussed their efforts on merely the symptoms of a bigger systemic failure and as a result haven’t made the impact they expected. — Michael Haupt
First of all, if those “change agents” expected any kind of results or impact then they obviously are not talking about unconditional love. An expectation is a condition! Their version of love is not what I am talking about.
Most every serious systemic issue in the world right now has resulted from the blocking of unconditional love through excessive egoic thinking. We can solve a lot of those systemic issues through thinking but all we will end up with is a better systemic issue. And there is nothing wrong with that! Every step we take is a step forward on our evolutionary path. But as long as we only use thinking to solve every problem we will only be taking little baby steps. And there is nothing wrong with that. Every problem that we encounter is part of a much bigger plan that we designed eons ago in order to challenge us to keep going with the plan.
And eventually we will realize that we must employ more than just our cognitive skills to get where we are going.
Every single human is simultaneously both a physical being and a non-physical spiritual being. Eventually, when we can shut our thinking off long enough to FEEL and realize this, we can start bringing harmony and balance to these two aspects of our being — much like we are starting to bring harmony and balance to the two hemispheres of our brain.
Our spiritual essence has nothing whatsoever to do with the brain!
The brain, however, is a very valuable tool — especially when it is in harmony and balance. It is in fact crucial to the evolutionary plan of individuation and self-realization we are following. But alone, the brain will not get us to where we are going. To reject spirituality out of hand to focus exclusively on the logic and reasoning of the left-half of the brain is just as foolish as rejecting thinking in order to focus exclusively on spirituality.
We need both!
To clarify, when I say, ‘spirituality,’ this has nothing to do with religion. Religion is one of the most powerful middlemen we are faced with. Religion says that we can’t get to God except through their organization. Nothing could be further from the truth. We don’t need a middleman to touch God because ‘God’ is within us. When we can shut off our thinking long enough and release all the conditioning and beliefs we’ve been inculcated with we can go within and touch and feel that ‘God’ essence of unconditional love flowing through us. The more we can feel that, the closer we can get to a state of harmony and balance between our physical and non-physical halves. That is when we begin to realize the incredible divine power we have — a power capable of solving any problem. (A power far, far, far greater than any left-brained algorithm.)
Of course if we are looking for immediate short-term “results” that we can quantify then we will most likely reject spirituality and the non-physical halves of our being and stick exclusively with thinking. And we’ll be shooting ourselves in the foot by doing so.
Yes, we need a plan. And we need unconditional love. To reiterate, unconditional love is NOT a right-brain attribute. It has nothing at all to do with the brain! It is not something to incorporate into the plan but rather something that drives every aspect of the plan. In my opinion it needs to be the very foundation the plan is built upon.
Without that foundation we can replace every systemic issue with a newer, better systemic issue but they will all eventually collapse.