War is an extremely lucrative endeavor. What makes it possible is the ease with which the people of a nation can be manipulated into supporting a war by those who profit from it. It’s been going on for thousands of years. Someday (hopefully soon) the masses will awaken and collectively refuse to participate in this age-old business. We can complain until the cows come home about the military-industrial complex and the politicians they own and the racists and nationalists and those who covet another nation’s physical resources. We can complain about those who instigate war and hatred and conflict, about those rulers who claim to make their nation “great” by preying on anyone who doesn’t play the game and are in any way ‘different,’ but that complaining would be incomplete if it did not include the masses who make it all possible with their support (whether conscious or unconscious).
Perhaps in that peaceful future we will continue to celebrate Memorial Day as a day to remember back when humankind was still too unconscious to realize how it was being manipulated by those in power, blissfully unaware of its own power to create peace. Perhaps we’ll create another Memorial Day to remember when humankind was too unconscious to realize how easily it was manipulated by all sectors of the business world, blissfully unaware of its own power to stop it. Humankind is currently in a victim mode. We are victims of our leaders who perpetuate war for power and profit. We are victims of those in business without a conscience. Like the environment, we are victims of poisoning pollution by businesses who put profit before planet (and everything else).
None of the horrors occurring today would be possible without the support of the masses. The horrors will not stop until each of us individually awaken and refuse to play victim any longer. While complaining helps to bring awareness, nothing changes until we take action to assert our power and step out of the victim mode. We simply cannot wait for our leaders to do this for us — they can’t. We must each do it for ourselves.
It is with the masses that the greatest power lies. Sadly, it is a power unrealized because of the unconscious victim mentality that turns that power over to the perpetrators of whatever is profitable (Who we call leaders). As with any business, the power lies in the customer who says, “No.”
Perhaps sometime in the future there will be a Memorial Day for everyone to remember back when humankind finally woke up.