Very powerful post and response. Thank you. It is good to be reminded that divine intervention is carried out by US HUMANS, not by some old bearded white guy sitting on a throne on some cloud.
By the way, since the New From Your Network links in the right column of the home page have disappeared over the last couple of days there was no way to tell if you had posted anything new, Ann. I had to do a search for your profile and click on it in order to find out if you had posted anything new. I’m glad I did that because otherwise I never would have known that you had published anything new. I hope Medium gets that glitch fixed soon. Although 2 or 3 posts from my network appeared in the left column of the home page that only represents a tiny fraction of the people I follow. Is everyone else experiencing this problem? I guess until the Medium Staff fixes this problem I will just have to go to your profile every time I come to Medium in order to find out if you posted something new.