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Three Wise Men and a Baby

Part 2 of the story I wrote last year

6 min readDec 4, 2018


Last December I published an article on Medium entitled, The Real Story of the 3 Wise Men. I was telling a story that provided a very different perspective (some may say a very blasphemous perspective) of the 3 wise men story. The story no doubt raised more questions than it answered so for the purposes of elucidation I hereby offer part 2 of the story. I recommend reading part 1 first before reading this new installment. It will definitely make more sense that way.

The soul we know as Jesus is a member of a certain soul-group that numbers in the tens of thousands. He was never alone. If this sounds like a large soul-group, it’s not. It’s actually one of the smallest soul-groups currently on the planet.

Every soul-group has collective goals that they try to reach through the many, many lives of its members. Very rarely are any members of a soul-group consciously aware of those goals while in physical bodies. But their activities, their attitudes, their karma, and their beliefs unknowingly point them in the direction of those goals.

The soul-group that the soul we know as Jesus belongs to has one very specific goal and that is to inject oneness into duality. And that is an incredibly difficult task.

