“ ….there is no scope for literary writers within the scope of business interest on Medium at all.”
Yes, that is the thorn in the lion’s paw that Medium refuses to pull out.
I truly loved your article, Renée S . I hope many read it as it clears up a lot of confusion. I think the main cause of uproar was not so much the paywall but how it was haphazardly rolled out with very little information initially. Now that Medium is finally filling in the blanks we can make sense of things and make a rational decision about things. Personally, I will be waiting to join until Medium changes its negative attitude towards literary fiction and not until a feed for fiction and other creative writing is returned to our homepages. None of the current feeds include any fiction. Believe me, I’ve checked. I spent a couple of hours scrolling through those feeds and did not find one single piece of literary fiction (although to my delight I did find ONE poem).
I had several epiphanies during all that scrolling. One of them was the realization that Medium is going to do whatever they’re going to do and getting upset about anything is utterly and profoundly futile. This led me to a state in which I simply no longer care. I’m much happier now.
Oh, and by the way, I happen to be male (not that it makes any difference).