The Secret Fertilizer
Been there, done that. Great question, Cris C . If you don’t mind, I’d like to throw in one of many possible perspectives…
The Universe, indeed all universes, were created with pure unconditional love. ALL SPACE contains unconditional love. Our planet (that we are part of) was created from unconditional love. WE were created from unconditional love. No space in existence is devoid of unconditional love.
The problem with our seemingly physical reality on this planet is that so much space is polluted. Our seemingly physical reality is based on duality. It is based on a separation from oneness and an imbalance of perceived duality. Unconditional love is a oneness principal, not a duality principle. By taking on a seemingly physical reality based on duality we became fractured and entered a situation of perceived separation from the oneness and unconditional love from which we came and which we are part of. This separation is the basis of all struggle.
Each of us are like a seed we planted in a space in order for us to grow and unconditionally love ourselves into existence.
If we find ourselves, the seed that we are, planted in a polluted space then we are obviously challenging ourselves in our quest to love ourselves into existence. A seed cannot grow by escaping the soil in which it is planted. It grows by TRANSFORMING the space in which it is planted and this is done through pure unconditional love. I have seen flowers growing up through the cracks in a cement sidewalk.
You can go to your local garden nursery to buy bags of fertilizer but the greatest fertilizer in existence is pure unconditional love. It is the fertilizer that transforms ALL SPACE! Instead of escaping the soil in which your seed is planted, transform the space with unconditional love and grow BEYOND it.
It’s the only way we can unconditionally love ourselves into existence. It’s the only way we can heal separation and bring our awareness of oneness back into the reality we seem stuck in.
We cannot transform the space around us until we transform the space within us and we cannot transform the space within us until we surrender to the pure unconditional love that exists within that and ALL space.
It enables us to grow beyond all the barriers we have set before ourselves in order to challenge ourselves. It enables us to love ourselves into existence.
Whatever situation you find yourself in see yourself as blessed. It is an opportunity you have presented yourself with to utilize your divine powers of transformation. The cement or the space you find your seed in may not fertilize your growth but you can still push up through the cracks and bloom if you surrender to the fertilizer of pure unconditional love.