The Many Roles of Mothers
My mother is long gone but I shudder to think what the world would be like if she had been in charge. If she had been, humankind would probably no longer exist having nuked itself extinct. But I wholeheartedly agree with you that male leaders need to be replaced by mothers. Just not my mother.
“If you did not clean your plate, you did not get desert. This philosophy applied globally.” — Ann Litts
I refer you to, Refrigerator Nazi.
“It might only be the will to survive to adulthood and do better for the next generation.” — Ann Litts
This says it all for me. I am eternally thankful to my mother for showing me how NOT to do things. It was an unconscious act of major reverse psychology on her part. I became intensely determined to prove her wrong in everything she said and did; that life really can be good. I became hell-bent on changing the course of the family evolution and righting the ship for future generations.
And I am eternally grateful to her for igniting in me the desire to become a mother myself — to step into her shoes but to do it correctly and lovingly without all the intense mental pathologies. By trying to be the best mother I could be I was clearing and healing my own childhood experiences with a mother. Being a mother was perhaps the greatest experience of my life and I may not have been driven to do that if I had had a normal mother.
When coming into a life we choose families and situations that present us with just the right challenges that will propel us onto our chosen path of learning. Apparently, I had a lot of learning to do and I chose a mother who agreed to provide the springboard for that. It took me a long, long time to realize it, but she was perfect. I am finally lovingly grateful for that. Happy Mother’s Day to her.