“ And it continues to strive for the broadest possible reach, welcoming all sorts of untested writers, though that may be changing.” — Ev Williams
The last part of that statement is the alarming part. It is already changing, especially with the new forthcoming homepage. It has become obvious that Medium is reining in that “broadest possible reach” through censorship disguised as curating. The new Medium homepage which only shows material selected by their curating staff (censors) greatly restricts new and untested writers, as well as writers the staff doesn’t like, from getting any exposure. It also greatly restricts readers from discovering new or untested writers or writers the staff doesn’t like. This is not a step forward. It is a step backward. Ev Williams is throwing out the cake in favor of complete control of what people read and what writers are allowed exposure. He is throwing away everything that made Medium so wonderful. He is throwing out his own innovative model in favor of going backwards towards old-school journalism. He is turning into a control freak.