The chemical/industrial agriculture that Monsanto is unleashing upon the world is profoundly destroying our environment and our health. The unbiased scientific evidence for this is overwhelming. But your undying and unquestioning loyalty to Monsanto prevents you from seeing this and you summarily dismiss this very grave threat to our planet as a “grammar problem.” This alone is enough reason not to vote for you.
One of the reasons I voted for Barack Obama is because he promised that he would deliver on the GMO labeling that 92% of Americans believe they have a right to. But he lied. Like you, he is also bought and paid for by Monsanto.
But still, I am thankful for what he has been able to accomplish despite the childish hostility of congressional Republicans. And I think it is beyond crucial that Republicans are kept out of the White House to undo all the accomplishments of the last seven years. Yes, we need to build on those accomplishments and revolutionize the way we do things. We desperately need a president who answers to the American people and not Wall Street bankers and corporate CEOs and billionaires.
And that is why I will be voting for Bernie Sanders. He has the honesty, integrity and vision that we desperately need and which no other presidential candidate, including you, is showing.
I noticed that you never mentioned anything about election reform. Apparently, you are happy with the current system where Wall Street, Big Pharma, Monsanto, the Koch Brothers and other billionaires can buy elections. I guess you are counting on this corrupt system in order to get elected and stay elected so you see no reason for reform.
We desperately need a structural revolution in this country but your campaign is bankrolled by the very corrupt entities that most need to be structurally transformed so you are duty-bound to uphold the status quo for those corrupt entities. How will we ever see the revolutionary change that we need if you were to be elected? You will be bought and paid for and duty-bound to those institutions that most need change.
Mrs. Clinton, you and your husband have been hobnobbing in elite circles with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and Gateses and Buffets for so long that you have become insulated from the reality the other 99% of the population lives in. I invite you to come down from your tower and mingle with the common folk. If you do, you will quickly realize that there is revolution brewing. You can either fight that revolution at the bidding of your corporate sponsors or you can join the revolution and help bring about true revolutionary change for ALL people.