That was a truly beautiful writing.
A friend came to my apartment a few months back and when she came into my kitchen she expressed her shock and horror at the fact that I lived without a dishwasher appliance.
I explained that about a decade ago I had lived in an apartment that had an automatic dishwasher appliance but during the two years I lived there I had never used it. I explained that washing dishes by hand was a daily spiritual practice for me; a meditation. I cannot imagine being deprived of that. Washing dishes by hand is one of the great joys of my life.
My friend’s shock and horror turned defensive. She called me a Luddite.
I laughed. How on earth can anyone call me a Luddite? I spend an inordinate amount of my time sitting in front of a laptop computer.
My friend spends an inordinate amount of time and money on yoga classes, pilates classes, spiritual book club meetings, online personal growth classes, and a private spiritual life coach. She doesn’t have time to wash dishes.
She helped me realize how lucky I was.