Thanks, Ann. That is an interesting point that I had not thought of. Most all of Western society identifies the divine with the male gender. Yet most abuse has been carried out by males. But that was not the case for me. The mental abuse I endured came from my mother yet for most of my life I identified with the divine as female. That may be because of the intense encounters I’ve had with spiritual entities has almost always been with female energy entities. Even as a very young Catholic I couldn’t care less about Jesus or the male Catholic God. I was instead totally obsessed with Mary. My identification with the female continued long after I left Catholicism. When I was immersed in Native American spirituality my obsession switched to White Buffalo Calf Woman (who some argue is essentially the same energy carried by Mary).
Anyway, I like to think I’ve grown spiritually but I still lean towards the feminine. When I’m speaking with die-hard Christians I still refer to God with female pronouns. It really freaks them out and that’s probably why I do it.