Thank you, Violet. I do in fact have an oil diffuser. It’s in some closet somewhere. If I start looking for it now I may be able to find it by next week.
I have a rule that I live by. I never put anything on my skin that I would not put in my mouth and swallow. (It’s essentially the same thing.) A few people have told me that I should be a hand model because the skin on my hands is so baby soft and wrinkle-free — especially for my advanced age. But it’s not because of any pharmaceutical product. I never put any toxic goo or ointment or cream on my skin. My skin is so soft and pretty because I drink nothing but water all day. (Plus I hand-wash all my dishes.)
Actually, now that I think of it I do occasionally put raw aloe vera on my skin. I have several aloe vera plants around my house so it’s free. The pharmaceutical companies make zero money off of me.
I also try to get a lot of sun, which is extremely healthy for the skin. (And I have never once in my life put toxic sunscreen on my skin. I would never in a million years do that just as I would never in a million years fill a spoon with sunscreen then put it in my mouth and eat it.)