Thank you so much Timothy O'Neill and Mark Kelly for your very kind words. I’m not sure I am worthy of your praises but that worthiness is what I have worked towards so many years. I don’t feel I have reached that worthiness yet but occasionally I can touch the process I strive for and the piece I think you are referencing, Timothy, is a piece in which I came close. I will try to explain.
For many years now I have been saying that the biggest impediment to ‘pure’ writing is that large gray mass of gooeyness located between our ears. That is where most writers write from and where I usually write from. We write from our intellect, which is the collective accumulation of all our knowledge; everything we have ever learned, all our memory, and all our so-called wisdom and experience, spiced with cognitive imagination. For me, that is where about 95.6% of my writing comes from.
But through my experience I have learned that there is a higher source. This can be tapped when we go beyond intellect, beyond imagination, beyond the gray matter. I have managed to go there a few times but usually I can’t go far beyond the noggin. The noggin is our computer that we use to navigate 3-D physical reality but it generally limits us in expression to that reality.
Sure, using our noggins we can talk about spirit and spiritual things until the cows come home. But that is not experiencing spirit and other dimensions. And that is not fully expressing other-dimensional experience.
Luckily, there is something in our noggin that is like a doorway that allows us to go beyond the noggin into the quantum field which contains so many other dimensions. The ancient yogis called this the third eye while modern scientists call it the pineal gland. For many of us this little gland is just barely functioning enough to help keep our perception of reality stable. We tend to use far less than 10% of the full capabilities of this little gland/chakra.
To fully open up this third eye chakra/gland we need to fully energize all the major chakras from our base to the top of the head and create an electromagnetic coherence and harmony between them — especially between the third eye and the heart. That is how we are able to write from the heart and not just from the brain.
And that is also how we can step through the veils separating dimensions. I have breached that veil a few times in my life, mostly through trance states, spiritual ritual, or psycho-tropical hallucinatory substances (or extreme trauma). I have endeavored to reach these other-dimensional states in a much more simpler way for many years. I am not very often successful. My darn brain and my darn ego firmly stand in the way preventing me from lighting up the third eye enough to break through the veils into dimensions beyond 3-D.
Well, recently I have once again been working on that third eye activation that opens the doors to other realities of time and space. I had no clear intention other than building up that latent human potential. I was merely exercising my third eye. It’s like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. Don’t use it and you lose it.
Then I suddenly decided to ask a question. I asked to be shown a place where I will someday be living. I immediately pierced through the veil and found myself in this beautiful place walking alongside a babbling mountain stream amidst trees and bushes and grass. It was beyond profound.
So afterward I was compelled to write about it, utilizing my brain only for its writing and editing abilities. I merely wrote an account of what I experienced and FELT while I was in that time and space.
This provides a very different electromagnetic charge to the writing than if I was just writing a story from some memory of my life or making something up. This charge can be picked up by a reader, especially if their heart and third eye are somewhat activated. Many readers won’t even notice this charge. Whenever we communicate, whether through speech or writing, we are always communicating on more than just one level. Whenever we express from the heart and/or the third eye those non-vocal/non-written levels are expressed at a higher vibratory level and to the reader it feels like ‘seeing with the spirit.’
Someone with a somewhat activated third eye and heart will pick it up when a communication is expressed having utilized the third eye and heart.
Well, that is the best feeble explanation I can come up with. I am unsure of the scientific validity of this but I have experienced this both as a reader and writer. I wish I could experience it more but I’m working on it. It’s all about perception that goes beyond the mind. As I work on this I’m learning that an important part of the process is the questions I ask. The answers usually don’t come without a question. The next part of the process is expressing and sharing the experience of what comes through in a clear and meaningful way using words. That is something I must continue to work on in order to get really good at. It ain’t easy.
Of course I still enjoy simply playing with stuff in my noggin, too.