Thank you, Gail Boenning , for your comments on my writing. I read that 2200 page book at least a couple of decades ago, back when I was a reading maniac. Way back then I had a goal of reading at least 300 books a year. I surpassed that goal 3 years in a row and then the next year I only read 290-something. Then I quit keeping track and the yearly totals steadily declined each year after that. I don’t think I read more than 30 books in 2018.
Wait a minute! That’s not true. I’m thinking of adult books and wasn’t counting children’s books. I read books to my granddaughters all the time so if I add those to the totals I surely must have read at least a hundred books last year. I’ve spent many hours at the local library going through kids books looking for good ones to read to the girls. I’ve learned that there are some really, really bad kids books out there but I can also attest to the fact that there are some true gems out there, too.
Speaking of kids books, I think Dr. Seuss was fond of making up words also. But his made up words were simple and short — and always rhymed. When Gurdjieff made up words they were usually 8 to 16 syllables long. In the preface to the novel Gurdjieff implored the reader to read through the entire words in their minds but to not think about them, letting them be absorbed by their subconscious without tripping up their thinking as they read. He was definitely not your typical novelist. Actually, most of his books were non-fiction.
It was the mental challenge that I liked so much about that book but to be honest I just don’t think I have the patience for something like that anymore. Nowadays I also like short, sweet and to the point.
While I’m being honest, I am thoroughly embarrassed to admit that I have never read the Herriot books. This makes no sense in light of what a fierce animal-lover I am. They were books that I always put off for another day but that day has never come. I even have a couple of his books on my book shelves because I have always intended to read them but I just haven’t gotten to them. Am I disgusting, or what?