Thank you for undertaking the long read and for responding, Sylvia Wohlfarth .
Patience and tolerance is quite difficult to maintain in regard to politics right now. Politics right now is like a snake shedding its skin. The new skin will be very different than the old skin. Like religion, politics can be extremely divisive and that divisiveness has reached maximum proportions which can lead to a collapse that brings everything back to a center point. Politics puts us in an either/or state that is counterproductive and accomplishes little more than maintaining an unsustainable status quo. We must go beyond the drastic polarization that we’re in now for change to happen. We must go beyond power struggles that center on competition rather than cooperation. We cannot depend on leaders to save us and bring about the appropriate change. It needs to be a ground-up process rather than a top-down process. Change begins individually and only then spreads out into mass consciousness. Until critical mass is achieved the old paradigms of competitive power struggles just keep playing out and no real progress is made.
Like religion, politics can be very polarizing. Watching all the craziness happening on a near daily basis right now is very depressing and I am trying hard to not get hopelessly sucked into it. It’s not easy. But it is important to disengage from the circus on a regular daily basis in order to go within our own hearts (instead of our noggins) to embrace the core human values of tolerance, patience, compassion, gratitude, and love. As we intensify these feelings within us they go out from us into the matrix of mass consciousness returning to it those values that then re-unify us and begin to be reflected by global events.
While I have been in flux with regard to politics, my current state of mind can best be summed up by my recent Grab A Slice story, The Day It Finally Rained. It shows a principle for change that runs contrary to what we’ve been taught but which I am becoming more convinced is our best hope.