The heartbeat of amplified footsteps
Walking the land, you are in touch with the planetary heartbeat. The more you walk, the more in synch you become. You begin to see the subtle earth energies at work. They are right there but you never noticed them before.
Walking is rhythmic. All drumbeats are auditory reflections of the planetary heartbeat.
You can walk the same mile two hundred times and you will experience at least two hundred new things; something new each time.
One walk could intersect another walk you did twenty-four years ago even though you are now in a completely different place. Earth energy lines intersect all over the place; both in the physical and the non-physical. Every line somehow connects to all others. And all roads lead to Home.
When you walk the very same mile one hundred thirty-seven times and then when you walk it the one hundred thirty-eighth time and you do so while that mile is under ten inches of snow, it’s like taking a walk in a different dimension. It is intensely different.
There are so many dimensions right here. We never have to travel. But walking acts to turn the kaleidoscope. It is the turning of the pages that allows the story to unfold.