Putting Des Cartes before the horse
Socrates and Plato began pushing humankind into the narrow, restrictive spaces of critical thinking. It was Rene Des Cartes who, many hundreds of years later, fucked up humankind far, far worse than Socrates or Plato every did. Des Cartes said, “I think, therefore I am.” He was obviously hopelessly stuck completely, thoroughly, fully, 100% in the left-half of his brain when he said that.
The left half of the brain is where critical thinking resides. That is the function of the left half of the brain. And there is certainly nothing wrong with critical thinking. It is a very valuable tool.
But critical thinking is using only one-half of our brain! What about the other half?
While the left-half of the brain takes in sensory data and critically analyzes it, the right-half of the brain analyzes data taken in by our inner senses. It evaluates vibratory resonation taken in by our intuition, our solar plexus and our spiritual guidance system.
While the critical thinking left-brain takes in information and data from our outer senses and emotions, the intuitive right-brain takes in information and vibratory resonation from our inner senses and feeling (as opposed to emotion).
We did not create a dual-hemisphere brain to use only half of it. While critical thinking philosophers push us exclusively into the left brain, we are being short-changed. We are kept from achieving a balance. The evolutionary imperative is to develop both hemispheres of the brain and respond through a balanced perspective. We can react through the left brain or we can react through the right brain but it is through the balance between these hemispheres that we can find the center null-point through which we can respond in an enlightened way.
We go through life reacting to it but when we find hemispheric balance we can start responding to it instead of reacting to it. It is when we finally find balance that we can go beyond opinions and narrow critical thinking and then humankind will take a quantum leap in its evolutionary trajectory.
Meanwhile, EVERYTHING is an opinion. Coming up with “facts” and “truths” are just an egoic attempt to solidify opinions through imbalanced critical thinking. Every opinion is a REACTION. And every REACTION to an opinion is a further REACTION. As long as we keep REACTING we are not responding. We are just playing left brain ping-pong. Not until we find the center null point of hemispheric balance can we start RESPONDING and thereby changing our collective life situations.
In our world today we are inundated with a cacophony of left-brain ping pong. We are bombarded with left-brain opinions. Everyone is frantically trying to justify their opinions with left-brained critical thinking. And therefore we are profoundly and utterly out of balance.
But the pendulum swings. It swings back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Right now, the pendulum is at the very, very far left of its recurring arc. It is at the peak of the male left-brain dominance of critical thinking and opinion. But that pendulum has stopped and is now headed back in the direction of female right-brain dominance. The golden opportunity for human evolution exists halfway through that trajectory back towards female right-brain dominance. On the pendulum’s journey back in the other direction it will pass through the center null point where everything is balanced out and that is the window through which, the balance through which, we can collectively bring about that new reality we can all feel but which we, as yet, see no evidence of. If we can release our opinions and beliefs and truths then we can open up to the most profound evolutionary quantum leap humankind has ever taken. That is when the noise will stop and the music will begin.