Member-only story
No Such Thing As Ugly
Finding the pearl
There is no such thing as ‘ugly.’ Ugly is a judgment.
Beauty can also be used as a judgment, in fact that is how we normally see beauty. But there is a different kind of beauty; one completely free of judgment. It is the beauty that underlies all things, including our selves. It is the beauty of life. We have covered everything with layers of judgments but underneath those judgments is a pearl of beauty that is the life spark we and everything was created with.
We cannot see this life spark of beauty. We can only feel it. When we see with our eyes we have been conditioned since birth to immediately make a judgment and these judgments obscure the pearl of beauty.
Judgment is polarizing and it keeps us in density. In judgment everything is either/or. Everything is either good or bad, ugly or pretty, left or right, hot or cold, black or white, acceptable or unacceptable, powerful or weak, rich or poor, male or female, etc.
We get these judgments from conditioning by our parents and family, from our education, from media and from society at large. We get them from the collective judgments of mass consciousness.
From birth we are told that we are not beautiful unless we fit the criteria of mass judgments. Women must look a certain way to be considered…