No Matt, we old baby boomers are not the ones currently dictating the future of the planet. It is you and your generation to whom that responsibility has fallen. We old fogeys tried and failed. It is now up to you.
I am three times older than you, Matt. I have participated in countless environmental protests; far more than you could possibly have participated in in your short life. I've stood up in front of bulldozers daring them to mow me down. I have stood up to cops daring them to arrest me. While you were still in diapers I was standing hand-in-hand with other protesters my age against corporate interests in hopes of trying to save the environment.
For you to blame baby boomers for every environmental problem is a very deep insult. So many people my age have worked feverishly to turn the tide. We have demonstrated and demonstrated and demonstrated. We have risked arrest, we have risked out lives and our reputations and our careers. We have fought tirelessly against the corporate interests that have no interest in the planet and future generations.
When I participated in environmental protests I was doing it for the world but I was also doing it for my young daughter and her forthcoming children. Future generations were always a big part of my concern and my fight. I didn't just blame generations that came before me. I was fighting for future generations like yours, Matt.
Yes, we old fogeys of the boomer generation failed but, goddamn it, we tried! I never stopped trying. To assign all blame to me and my generation is simply not right. That blame does not assuage you of your responsibility.
If you young twenty-somethings will put down your goddam, mother fucking smart phones and Facebook selfies and Tinder and Instagram long enough to get up off your fucking couches long enough to get out and stand up and protest like we old fogeys did then maybe we'll still have a chance of implementing some change.
Meanwhile, generational blame accomplishes nothing. It does no good for us old fogey environmentalists to blame the new generations or the new generations to blame us. That impedes any progress. All generations must come together in order to stand up to the corporate and governmental powers that work together to put profit and greed over the very existence of humankind.
Let's stop assigning blame and work together to save generations that have not even been born yet. Let's build on the work started by my generation and build on it with each new generations instead of playing the blame game. Let's get up off our couches and take action together. Let's get serious because this is more serious than any of us can imagine.