Never underestimate the power of suggestion. Since early childhood we have been taught to always believe everything a doctor says and to never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever question it. We have been taught to accept every opinion and every word that comes out of a doctor’s mouth. Some humans are brave enough to get a second or third opinion but the only opinion that matters is our own opinion about how long we want to live. Once we’ve made that decision then we must access our own mojo to make that happen while maintaining that opinion.
For a doctor to tell a patient that they have x amount of time to live (to pronounce a death sentence over them) is profoundly immoral and I think it should be against the law. It is a penetrating breach of ethics — especially knowing that most all humans have been conditioned to believe and accept anything a doctor says.
Once, while I was in Stage 4 cancer, my doctor told me that I had six months to live. I told him to go fuck himself and walked out of the hospital. THAT WAS EIGHT YEARS AGO!
The good thing about that bout with cancer is that I was forced to make a choice about whether I wanted to live or not. It also forced me to go within and access and utilize my own mojo to heal myself. If I had listened to the doctor I would have died seven and a half years ago.
Great article, Ann. And congrats on the mojo.