My wolf spirit guide was having trouble getting through to me when I was young so she decided to enter physicality in order to live with me for sixteen and a half years. During that time she taught me so very, very much about wolf mojo. After that glorious time together I now have no problem hearing and connecting to my wolf spirit guide at any time. I merely have to think about her.
My other primary animal spirit guide is a whooping crane. I have yet to encounter a whooping crane in ‘real life.’ It’s on my animal bucket list. I think my heart would explode if I ever saw one of these rare birds. Ann Litts , you have a picture of a wolf on your bedroom wall and I have a picture of a whooping crane on my bedroom wall. She likes to come to me at night.
My daughter’s primary animal spirit guide is a dolphin. There is a very long story about that. My daughter IS a walking, talking dolphin disguised as a human.
Of course my wolf spirit guide, while she was in the physical, was also working with my daughter. My daughter did not grow up with society’s bad wolf stereotype. She grew up playing with and loving the real thing.
I have yet to figure out what the granddaughters’ animal spirit guides are. Perhaps I should ask.