And the time I tried to kill time
As a young kid I was very enamored of my maternal grandpa. We spoke different languages but he always had my attention. When ever he went out he always wore a suit with a vest and and connected with a chain to that vest was a pocket watch. I thought that was so freaking cool!
I proclaimed to anyone who would listen that I wanted a vest and a pocket watch for Christmas. Well, Santa made my wish come true. Always one to save a penny, my mother made the vest for me. She made a lot of the clothes we children wore and that was a serious point of contention between my mother and me. I will have to talk about that some day.
Naturally, I outgrew the vest rather quickly but I never outgrew that pocket watch, although I don’t know what ever happened to it. I’m beginning to think that it may have been an imaginary watch….
It was many years later, as an adult, that I had my little watch ceremony. It was on one of my birthdays back in my twenties and I was living in West Texas at the time. I had gone for a long walk out into the desert. Even way back then I regularly sought solace in nature. The nature I regularly visited then was not exactly pristine, however, for it was littered with oil pump-jacks.