Medium is very, very obviously screwing around with the algorithm because the numbers have been fluctuating like crazy. What they seem to be screwing around with the most is the “New From Your Network” feed. It has changed so radically in the last couple of weeks that it does not even remotely resemble what it was like. Posts by writers I follow are not showing up in my feed and what I post is only getting about 10% of the views that I was getting just 2 weeks ago. Whatever they are doing, it sucks big time! The “New From Your Network” feed is the only feed that is not 100% curated by the Medium curating staff. It is the one chance for writers to have their posts appear to anyone when the curating staff does not allow their posts to appear in any other feed. It is the most convenient way for readers to follow the people they have CHOSEN to follow and to get ALL of the posts published by those that they follow. But Medium is very obviously screwing around with this in a very, very negative way. Medium wants complete, absolute, total control over what we read and that is why they are screwing with the “New From Your Network” feed. That feed was the one thing I always relied upon coming to Medium and now they are screwing it up big time and pissing a lot of people off. And we are all left scratching our heads because Medium rarely communicates with their users. Your Friends @ Medium , what the hell is going on?