Karma is like a TV game show
Minna Von Walden, while you wait for HIM to walk through your door you ignore the other door that beckons you to open it and walk through it. While karma closes one door it opens another — or at least it points to another door that WE can open.
Karma is like a game show. We are given the choice of choosing between gifts that remain hidden behind three curtains. We are following karma when we pick the same damn curtain every single time. We always have the option of saying NO to karma and picking a different prize. We can listen to karma or the studio audience which is karma’s pep squad, or we can finally decide to listen to our heart — not our emotions but our heart. And not our thinking, logic and reasoning, but our heart.
It may seem that the prize is behind a curtain of karma and emotions and thinking. But it is really within our hearts. It is always on THIS side of any curtain. This, if we realize it, makes it easier to choose because the prize already resides within us. We merely need to choose it.