Source — (Pixabay)

Member-only story

Just Another Ordinary Guy

Changing the program


He was just a teenaged boy, programmed like everyone else. He revolted against that programming although he did not know it was the programming he was revolting against. He thought he was revolting against the world, society, family, friends, the established order. But it was the programming of his subconscious by the world, society, family, friends, and the established order that he was angry with. Unaware of this and not knowing how to change that programming his young life situation was filled with frustration and angst.

Whenever the chance arose he would get away. Whether to the mountains or forests or desert or the lake, he searched for solace in nature. His anger and frustration followed him where ever he went — since it was inside him — but with enough time in nature he eventually calmed down and became more conscious and aware and present. For a short while he was able to feel joy.

Back at home or at school or at his job he became a rebel. He fought everything and blamed everybody. He projected his rage outward. He was labeled a trouble-maker. His parents and teachers and bosses concluded that he needed more programming.

Which, of course, only made matters worse.

What he really needed, though, was de-programming and then re-programming. But there was no…



White Feather
White Feather

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