A fun, tweaked way to look at things
The person that we think we are holds only a small fragment of the entity that we really are. Only a small part of our entity is with us here in the body. We are not yet capable of holding our entire entity. The greater part of our entity is sitting out at the edge of the universe waiting for us to evolve so that it can fully step into our bodies. Being very patient, the greater part of our entity has waited a few gazillion years.
This greater part of our entity does not spend all of its time looking in on everything we do. It has other things to do. (And other parts of itself in physicality to look in on.) From time to time, the greater part of our entity will peer into our reality to get a reading on how we are doing. This only takes a split second. Our entity can read our vibrations in that split second and can tell how far we’ve evolved. It knows instantly if we are following our agreed upon path and it gets a reading of how much karmic energy we still hold unresolved. It gets a reading on how we feel about ourselves, and then it logs that information into the autopilot. It then puts us on autopilot, at those settings, and then goes about its other business.
This separation from our whole entities was necessary in order for us to experience physicality and evolve a physical vehicle capable of holding a…