White Feather
1 min readJan 8, 2017


It’s been a few years but when I explored Wattpad it became obvious that it is a website almost exclusively for writers. Any readers there are just other writers. That did not appeal to me at all. Plus the audience seemed really small. I prefer right-brained readers who are interested in more than just regurgitated facts, data and opinion. I like a balance between fiction and non-fiction just as I like a balance between right and left brain hemispheres. I crave creative stories that stoke my imagination rather than just the same old facts and self-help where the only creativity is in how it is slightly differently regurgitated.

It would be nice if there was a left-brained Medium (the one that exists now) and also a creativity-based right-brained Medium. But what I what like even more would be one Medium that is balanced between data-based left brain thinking and creative right brain thinking. That would be awesome. One of Medium’s biggest problems is that it is so profoundly unbalanced.

Thanks, Eric, for your response.



White Feather
White Feather

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