It has been said that eucalyptus trees were the official tree of the lost land of Lemuria. When ever a land sinks or implodes there are refugees. With the demise of Lemuria eucalyptus refugees traveled to the west coast of Turtle Island, parts of the west coast of South America, to Australia and New Zealand and parts of Polynesia and Asia where they began new lives and new generations.
If you ever want a big dose of sublime Lemurian energy all you have to do is hug an eucalyptus tree. Really, you only have to smell them but actual physical hugging imparts those Lemurian vibrations more intensely.
We are all refugees. Every single human on this planet is a refugee from somewhere. By communing with eucalyptus trees we are embracing the energy of moving through cycles of time and place. We are empowered to embrace movement in time, space, and consciousness. We must not be fooled by the notion that since eucalyptus trees have roots that they are not masters of movement. When embraced, they can remind us that we are masters of movement as well.