In 2017 most all humans identify themselves through their egos. Their true spiritual identity is mostly unknown to both themselves and to others. Our true essence identity has nothing whatsoever to do with data! Let me repeat that: Our true essence identity has nothing whatsoever to do with data! Our ego identity, however, is an accumulation of data we use to create a false identity. Ego cannot survive without data.
In 2035 through your magic algorithmic database we take back control of our data (false identity) and we get to control who has access to our data (false identity). How does that lead us to discover our true essence identity when the algorithmic database works solely on data?
You seem to be completely focused on data as the end all and be all of life. How left-brained!
If, in 2035, I’m a businessman in need of some employees. There is no way I’m going to hire someone based solely on the data they choose to make public. I would never hire anyone without first speaking with them face to face so that I can feel their vibes and sense their true spiritual essence identity. People are more than just data!
Let me repeat that: People are more than just data!
Let me repeat that again: People are more than just data!
If we are an enlightened, empathetic and caring human that is balanced in their brain hemispheres we can sense so, so much more about our fellow humans than what an algorithmic database can tell us. How is a dependence on an algorithmic database going to foster those inner senses that have nothing to do with data? Those senses that we must develop in order to become the divine human that we are but don’t realize we are because we are focused exclusively on data?
Again: People are more than just data!
We will never create the utopia you envision in 18 years simply by manipulating and controlling data. To progress in our evolutionary trajectory it is imperative that we go beyond data; that we extricate ourselves from our data-driven left brain hemisphere in order to find hemispheric balance — which is something no algorithmic database can create. Peace and harmony on Earth will never happen until each of us realize that we are more than just data!