I agree with Elliot Nichols . There is a very, very clear and obvious “us and them” going on at Medium, whether elizabeth tobey wants to believe it or not. Likewise, there is a very clear and obvious “us and them” going on at every single social platform on the internet. Likewise, there is a very clear and obvious “us and them” going on in every aspect of human society. We live in a polarized world of duality and we are profoundly and utterly stuck in “us and them” thinking. We’ve been conditioned to think that way ever since we were in diapers. That polarizing dualistic dynamic is what drives human thought and action.
And that is why we are evolving so slowly.
We can try to bridge the “us and them” chasm but that doesn’t take us out of the dynamic. We can choose sides and fight for either “us” or “them” and that only perpetuates the dynamic. As long as we keep thinking and expressing and acting in terms of “us and them” we will only perpetuate this illusory sense of reality.
“Us and them” are two sides of the same coin. We can’t see the coin because we are lost in the polarity of the two sides. Whenever you have a dualistic polarity there is a point in the center between the two sides known as the null point. This is where the energy of the two opposing sides are balanced and nullified. This is what the ancient Taoists called, “The third way.” As long as we put any energy whatsoever into either side of a polarity then we tip the scales and become oblivious of the null point and remain stuck in the duality.
So if “us and them” are a polarity then what is the center null point between that polarity? Is it “me?” Or is it “one-ness?” Or is “me” and “one-ness” yet another illusory polarity and they are really the same thing? Can bridging the illusory chasm between “me” and “one-ness” be what gives us an intense boost in our evolutionary trajectory? Can the null point between all opposites be a doorway into a whole new consciousness? Or is everything I just said just a bunch of woo-woo hokum that goes against the “us and them” thinking that we cling to for dear life?