The pendulum and the archaeologist
Huntington was an archaeologist in the year 2054. He mostly lived in his electric van-vehicle as he traveled down the western coastline of North America. He had traveled that coastline many years before as a young man. That was a very different coastline.
Now, in 2054, he was traveling the coastline as an archaeologist. In the last few years the sea level had begun receding again. Countless towns and cities around the world had “gone under the sea” in recent decades as the sea level kept rising with each new year. So much was swallowed up — and was on the verge of being forgotten. But now, thanks to the countless volcanic eruptions the climate was changing once again.
An archaeologist’s fantasy is for water to recede and unveil a relic of previous times. So many archaeological discoveries have been made when the water recedes. Those urban centers of humankind that were lost in previous decades were now beginning to resurface. There was much to discover about how the human populations reacted to their world drowning.
Huntington had received a small grant from the university he was connected with to study what the receding ocean was quickly uncovering. His electric van-vehicle was filled with expensive equipment. The economic endowment and his scientific curiosity, however, were…