Doggies Can Be Such Great Teachers
Patti Podnar , I was married to a dog for 16 and a half years and that dog taught me a lot more about content marketing than your wonderful, delightful Aussie has taught you.
In a true relationship between a doggie and a human true communication is always psychic rather than cerebral. Doggies don’t speak English. Unlike humans, doggies are not obsessively centered in left-brained thinking. When my doggie needed to go outside she did not scratch at the door. She merely sent me a psychic message. As long as I was not mired in left-brained logical, reasoning thinking I would receive that message and go let her out to do her business.
My doggie did more to get me out of left-brained human thinking than any other being. She did more to tune me into psychic, feeling-tone communication than anyone I’ve ever known. She taught me about the difference between communication and marketing.
Marketing is all about communicating between the left-brain reasoning and logic oriented processes of one’s brain with the left-brain reasoning and logic oriented processes of other people’s brains. You hear other people scratching at the door and you provide the logic and reasoning that answers their scratching.
Like dogs, humans don’t scratch at the door until their psychic calls to be let out are not met. “Content marketing” is a response to scratching at the door rather than the psychic call to be let out. “Content marketing” is a cerebral, left-brained reaction to pleas that have not been heard or responded to on a deeper, non-cerebral level. “Content marketing” is a feel-good quantifiable answer to questions that go unanswered on deeper “knowable” levels. They satisfy cognition while circumventing ‘knowing.’
“Content marketing” is the selling of left-brained answers to left-brained questions. The internet is clogged full of this. One can make a decent living providing this.
But this left-brained approach does not work with doggies. Doggies are way the hell too smart for this. They know how to communicate directly with other beings. Sadly, most human beings they try to communicate with are so hopelessly stuck in left-brained thinking that they just don’t get it. They can’t receive the communication. Sadly, they need to hear scratching at the door in order to get what their doggie companion had been communicating to them.
I totally get why doggies can get so frustrated with the humans they are trying to communicate with. Humans can be so freaking dense. They only hear a tiny spectrum of communicative vibration.
“Content” is not something to be marketed or sold. It is not something made to appeal strictly to the left-brained reasoning of potential recipients. It is not an answer to the scratching at the door.
“Content” is something that is felt, not thought. “Content” is feeling. “Content” is expression on a feeling-tone level. And it is best expressed on that feeling-tone level. Words can point towards that feeling but when they exist and are expressed strictly at a left-brained cerebral level the true meaning and feeling-tone of those words are missed, much like verbal commands to a doggie who is frustrated because you just don’t get what they are communicating.
When my doggie was trying to communicate with me I had to shut off my thinking processes and listen at a deeper, psychic level. It always worked and my beloved doggie taught me how to do that. Sadly, most all “content marketers” have never learned to do that. They are too hopelessly stuck in their brains. And they won’t truly listen to their doggies. So they spend their lives answering to scratches at the door when they would do better to answer callings from the heart.
Every single “content marketer” is stuck in their brains. They are making a living at answering the scratchings at the door. The true answers are at a deeper, non-cerebral level. Our doggies can teach us this if only we would listen to them on a deeper, non-cerebral level. Then and only then can we respond to other humans on a level that answers their questions rather than just answering their scratchings at the door. Doggies can be our greatest teachers if only we would get out of our brains long enough to realize this.