As Ann Litts pointed out, teaching is a two-way street. The teacher/student dynamic is a dualism; a function of duality. (And there’s nothing wrong with that.) But to attempt to teach oneness to someone is technically a contradiction to oneness because it embraces a dualism. Expressing oneness, being oneness, is the best way to spread the awareness of oneness. And it is done without the intention of teaching. It is done simply by being love.
The greatest spiritual teacher I’ve ever had was a little girl who I mothered for almost five years. She was a much better teacher than I was. I learned way more than she did. But we both moved on to different roles. That’s the thing about being a spiritual teacher. It is a role. The ego plays roles. The true self just plays. Roles are temporary, oneness is eternal.
It may seem contradictory but one of the best ways to learn is to teach. Eventually we learn that there is a teacher/student within each of us. The learning opportunities then seem endless. And then eventually we learn that all the wisdom we seem to be accruing is wisdom that, at some level, we already knew. The teacher/student dynamic, whether with others or within ourselves, is simply a process to expand the awareness of that wisdom that we are already connected to.