As an author of numerous books, when I read how much you spend buying books I immediately fell in love with you. Gosh, I wish everyone took book buying that seriously. But then you mentioned how you like to write in the margins of books and I immediately fell out of love with you. I never, ever write in books. I consider that sacrilegious desecration (much the same as tattoos).
Then you talked about avoiding the bestseller lists and digging deeper into older and more obscure books. Once again I was in love with you. I could not agree more.
The question that nagged me as I kept reading was, “How the bloody hell can he afford to spend that kind of money?” It seemed like you were taking bragging to new heights. Then came the link to ‘how I got rich.’ I then realized your entire article was built around that one link. I didn’t fall for the clickbait. I didn’t click. I kept reading but my love seriously waned.
Then I came to when you spent 800 bucks for an obscure Henry Miller book. As a HUGE Henry Miller fan I was suddenly in love with you again.
While my love for you waxed and waned throughout your article, the one thing I’m sure of is that Jeff Bezos’ love for you must surely be deep and unconditional.
You advised us to not read what everyone else is reading. Well, I would like to suggest not buying your books where everyone else buys their books. I think there are still some independent mom and pop bookstores left who are struggling mightily to survive under Jeff Bezos’ oppressive jackboot. I bet they would really, really, really love it if you paid them a visit.