White Feather
2 min readApr 14, 2019


Ann, I could be wrong about the direction thing. While I’ve done some research myself I am still waiting for a very clear indication from spirit.

According to the Edgar Cayce Readings every continent has an opening and an exit, portals if you will, where peak spiritual energies, in their flow westward, enter and leave the continent. As for Turtle Island (a.k.a. North America) the entry portal is in the Virginia Beach/Tidewater region and the exit portal is along the same latitude in the Big Sur/Monterrey area.

Perhaps the question comes down to, Do I want the flow of spirit at my back or do I want to be facing into it? A big factor/clue may be what I briefly mentioned about my morning sunrise spiritual practice. Facing into the sun as it rises has always been the most important moment of every day for me. Sunsets are fantastic, too, but it’s a whole different energy dynamic.

I have always been a morning person. If I head west will I turn into an evening person?

My dear friend who I used to do rock art with spent most of his life living in New Mexico but a few years back he moved to West Virginia. He keeps telling me that I should move there, too. While West Virginia does have some small mountains, it just isn’t close enough to an ocean. I need to live close enough to the ocean to be able to stick my tootsies in the water on a regular basis.

By the way, do you know what both the entry portal and exit portal of Turtle Island have in common? Dolphins!

I may be torn as far as direction goes but I’m fairly convinced that I need to get the heck out of Dodge. Interestingly, where I live now is located directly on one of my primary lines; my Mars line. Being an Aries that should seem good, right? But it’s too much fire; fire on top of fire on top of fire. Where I live now is as far away from an ocean as you can get on Turtle Island. I need water to keep me from burning up. I need an ocean’s worth of water and I need dolphins.



White Feather
White Feather

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