Ah yes... Google. I wish I had used them more often in years past. You definitely want a unique title and you want to avoid over-used words.
You just spurred me to Google one of my 5 novels--the one that also has the word, Rainbow, in it. I typed in only the title and absolutely nothing came up! So then I added the pseudonym that I used on that book (the only time I've ever used a pseudonym) and then about 15 listings showed up, including its location on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Scribd, Kobo, and others. But there were also several other listings for it that came up from foreign websites who were selling the book--sites from which I get no royalties. They were mostly in Japan and Australia.
It was not fun to see a book of mine being sold by websites that have essentially stolen my book while not paying me anything for the copies they sell. Sadly, this is extremely common. Extremely! Almost every book published is being pirated this way--especially any book also published in an ebook version.
Book titles are extremely important. I know because I've picked some horribly performing titles. And I thought they were good but I didn't start googling them until my most recent books.
The two words in all the titles of my dozen books that perform better on Google than any of the other words are, 1.) mojo, and 2.) Alimaka. Alimaka is a word I made up so it always shows up at the top of searches because no one else has ever used the word.
I really wish you all the luck in the world with your work of art. It deserves it. I hope you kick Stephen King or James Patterson or Danielle Steel or Neil Gaimon or Lee Child right off the NYT Bestseller List.