Actually, I did not get to experience the Beatles phenomenon of the Sixties, either. I didn't get
"turned on" to the Beatles until the Seventies hit. I was in my own universe with it. For me and for many it was a very personal thing.
When my daughter was a wee baby girl I used to sing Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da to her. I think it was the first song she knew all the lyrics to. I still had my vinyl collection back then and played a lot of Beatles for her. She ate it up. I've noticed how small children seem to naturally love Beatles music. (She wasn't too thrilled about Revolution #9, though)
I no longer have my vinyl collection and no longer have a copy of the White Album. I haven't listened to it in a very long time. Listening to it now would almost be like going through a past-life regression. A very happy one.