A Long Planetary Journey
Interesting. I don’t have a lot of water in my chart. I have 6 planets in fire, 2 in earth, 1 in air, and 1 in water. My 4th house is in Jupiter. I do have a Cancer ascendant and my Chiron is in Pisces. I don’t know half of what all that means but I do know that my Cancer ascendant has played a huge role in my life, especially in regards to health.
I also know that I’ve been attracted to Cancers my whole life. My mother was a Cancer, my grandmother was a Cancer, I had 3 Cancer aunts, a couple of Cancer girlfriends and a Cancer wife (all females). I married my Cancer wife during Cancer and we divorced 20 years later during Cancer. I opened my business during Cancer and closed it down 9 years later during Cancer. I published two of my novels during Cancer — and they both bombed. I came within a whisker of dying once and that was during Cancer. Cancer is very prominent in my life even though the only place it appears in my chart is as my Ascendant.
Jupiter in my fourth house was apparently retrograde when I was born and I think this may have something to do with why I’m such an ardent social recluse. I don’t know. Jupiter was also square the moon and Mars at the time which I am told allows me to access charisma when I really, really need it and also points me to impulsiveness. It seems to fit.
I could go on and on but I really don’t know what the heck I’m talking about. It seems to me that astrology is a subject you can study your entire life and still not know everything about it. My life has been devoted to writing (mostly) and all I can do is dip my toes in other disciplines. Astrology has always been fun and enlightening but I can’t be diverted from my path by it. It has been especially enlightening in regards to realization of my karma and for that I will be forever thankful. I have a ton of Mars karma and I have learned that I need water to keep my Mars fire from getting out of control. But I also need to deal with that fire.
Rachael, you said that you’ve lived in or around your birthplace your entire life. That is something I cannot even begin to fathom. I lived at my birthplace for six months and I’ve never been back. I’ve lived in over 30 different cities and towns during my life which comes out to a little over two years per place — and I lived in Colorado for 18 years. Like fire, I move. Like a tree, I send down roots. It’s a frustrating back and forth dichotomy. But it’s a journey that has taken me through a multitude of lessons, especially in regards to karma. Deep in my heart I know that my journey will eventually take me to a beach on some ocean where my feet will grow roots in the sand and never let me go.